Recorded Item Writers Workshop Webinar

You can now complete the Item-writers Workshop from home for free!

This webinar is presented by Nancy Eisemon, RN MPH APRN/CNS CGRN. Nancy is a past president of ABCGN and has been the item development manager since 2008, maintaining the quality and consistency of the CGRN Exam.

In this webinar you will learn the logic and process behind writing items (questions) for the CGRN exam. You will receive the resources and tools to submit a question of your own that could be added to the question bank!


You must be a current CGRN to take the Item-writers Workshop.

Contact hours

0.75 GI-Specific CE, Category 6.
This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, Inc., an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

Successful Completion

  1. Register by clicking here
  2. Watch the entire video below
  3. Submit a completed survey
