Pre-Review Process

Not Certain You Have Enough Hours or the Right Hours?

For those candidates who are not certain that they have sufficient contact hours or that their hours are in the right categories or for those who have other questions, ABCGN offers a pre-review process. For a fee of $50, experienced members of the ABCGN Re-certification Audit Committee will review your hours and provide feedback. 

The $50 pre-review fee is an additional fee and does not count toward your re-certification fee.

*Re-certification Pre-Review Applications may be submitted at any time; however, please allow sufficient time for the Re-certification Audit Committee to review your application and respond to you so that you can, if necessary, register for the exam or correct deficiencies prior to the deadline for recertification by contact hours. For additional information please contact


Please complete the application form and the continuing education activites form linked below. Forms along with supporting documentation can be emailed to Once recieved an invoice for payment will be sent. Payment must be completed in order for the application to be reviewed.
