ABCGN Certification Application
The ABCGN Certification Exam meets the highest professional standards and is the only gastroenterology certification program accredited by ABNSC. The ABCGN certification application is available through Certemy.
The Certemy application allows candidates to apply for the exam, save your application and complete when you are ready, and recieve instant email communication once your application has been recieved.
The Spring 2025 CGRN Exam Application is now closed.
*Before applying, please remember to review the eligibility requirements.
Since the inception of the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan China, Prometric (who administers the ABCGN Certification Exam) has been actively engaged in identifying and responding to the potential health risks it presents to its test takers, staff, and other individuals in the impacted areas.
Its responses have taken into account numerous perspectives, including local governmental policy and actions, information provided by global health organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), corporate policies, and input from our testing partners and customers.
The Prometric Incident Management team will continue to monitor the situation around the globe and take proper future actions as needed. Please check back frequently for more updates regarding test center closings.
Test Center Actions
Candidate Safety
Candidates will be permitted to use medical masks and gloves while they are testing. Please note these items will be subject to visual inspection upon entry to the test center. For a full list of permissible items, please check here.
Test Center Cleanliness
We have fully reviewed all test center operations and continue to reinforce expected actions at all test centers around the world that will mitigate the risk of spread of the virus at these locations. These procedures include regularly cleaning high-touch surfaces (ex. test station keyboard keys, mouse, biometric touch chip device) and providing disposable wipes so that common surfaces can be wiped.
Protect Yourself!
Update as of March 11, 2020.
- Wash your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap & water for at least 20 seconds.
- Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a tissue while coughing or sneezing.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
ABCGN certification is open to registered nurses currently engaged in GI/endoscopy. To qualify for certification or recertification, candidates must meet the following criteria:
By the first day of the testing period (May 1 or October 1), candidates must have been employed in clinical, supervisory, administrative, teaching/education or research capacities in an institutional or private practice setting for a minimum of two (2) years full-time, or its part-time equivalent of 4,000 hours, within the past five (5) years in GI/endoscopy.
- Work experience must be as an RN (i.e., an LPN who has become an RN must have two years experience as an RN prior to sitting for the CGRN designation regardless of the number of years of GI experience as an LPN.)
- Full time industry nurses whose focus is at least 40% clinical practice, education, or research are eligible. Those whose focus is sales are not.
Each candidate is required to submit the contact information of two responsible practitioners in the specialty who can verify his/her work experience and professional qualifications.
Each candidate is required to submit a copy of his/her current and unrestricted license as a Registered Nurse (RN) in the United States.
Read the Certification Handbook for more information regarding requirements and eligibility.